Contail Pest Control |
Welcome to Contail Pest Control!
Contail Pest Control is licensed by the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) Structure Pest Control Service (SPCS) to perform general pest control, termite control, ornamental and turf plant pest control, and weed control in Texas. Established in 2005, Contail Pest Control is privately owned and operated by a Ph. D. Entomologist with more than 30 years of experience in research and application. Is something bugging you? We know you are looking for either reliable scientific information about pests or someone you can trust to solve your pests problem. Here is what we can do for you: termite treatment, WDI (Termite) inspection and report, and general pest control. In north Texas, the most common pest problems include termites, rodents (rats and mice), bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, fire ants, house ants, and so on. Each of the occurrence and infestation is always associated with the specific characteristics of its biology, ecology, and human activities. Our practices - more scientifically called Integrated Pest Management - include individualized problem diagnosis/inspection, client education, and carefully selected materials/methods to guarantee optimal results, while protecting the surrounding environment. Got problem? Please contact a pest control specialist by Phone call/Text : (972) 408-8187 E-mail:, or Fill out the following form with your phone number and email address: |
Pests are living organisms that occur where they are not wanted or that cause damage to crops or humans or other animals. Examples include: insects, mice and other animals, unwanted plants (weeds), fungi, microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, and prions. (US EPA) WHERE ARE WE LOCATED?
Contail Pest Control serves Dallas-Fort Worth areas, mainly around Plano, Allen, Richardson, McKinney, Frisco, north Dallas and surrounding communities.